Top 5 Powerful Amazon Keyword Tools To Help You Reach Maximum Profitability

Top 5 Powerful Amazon Keyword Tools To Help You Reach Maximum Profitability

If you’re an Amazon seller, finding the right keywords is essential to driving more visibility and sales. That’s why you need a top-notch keyword tool. In this blog post, we’ll reveal the best Amazon keyword tools that can help boost your profits and get you on the fast track to success.

What is Amazon Keyword Tool?

If you’ve written website content, you’ll realize the value of SEO. No matter how wonderful or valuable your content is, nobody will come across it. Because Amazon is a massive search engine like Google, your products on Amazon are the same. Therefore, you must include all relevant keyword ideas in your Amazon listings. In this post, we’ll show you how to utilize SEO to reach Amazon customers.

Even if you are a Google SEO expert, optimising for Amazon is difficult. This is because consumers search differently on Amazon than on the web. If they’re searching Amazon, they likely want to buy. Nevertheless, Google searchers might be at any point of the shopping cycle or merely investigating for hobbies and interests.

What is Amazon Keyword Tool?
What is Amazon Keyword Tool?

Amazon keyword tools help sellers find keywords for their products on Amazon. These programs analyze search data to find the most popular product keywords. They optimize seller listings and marketing strategies. Amazon keyword tools help sellers boost product visibility in search results, attract more consumers, and boost sales.

What are the benefits of using Amazon Keyword Tools?

Maximizing visibility in Amazon search is key to success. You should use Amazon keyword tools to find the right keywords. Think like the customer. Know what they search for. Make sure your product is front and center. Bad keywords mean misaligned listings and ineffective campaigns. Quality tools lead to quality keywords. Make it a priority.

Top 5 Best Amazon Keyword Tools

A good keyword tool is one of the most effective ways to make sure your Amazon products are ranking high and earning cash. But which tool should you choose?

Investing money in a keyword tool can be risky, so let me help you navigate the market by introducing some of the top-rated tools and free keyword research tool available. We’ll highlight five of the best Amazon keyword tools available so you can take advantage of powerful features that can maximize your profits from your eCommerce business.

Helium 10

Helium 10 is a suite of tools designed to help Amazon sellers streamline their business and increase sales. Helium 10 has everything you need to start and grow your Amazon business. Its Magnet keyword research feature is powerful.

Helium 10’s keyword search tool instantly finds hundreds of relevant and easy-to-rank keywords for your products. Helium 10 contains the world’s biggest keyword database. Magnet allows long-tail keyword searches.

Helium 10
Helium 10

Helium 10 supports these markets and databases: France, US, UK, Spain, Italy, Denmark, etc. Helium 10 provides a free trial of their keyword research tool.

Benefits of using Helium 10

  • Product research
  • Keyword research: find the right keywords to use in their product listings to improve visibility and sales.
  • Listing optimization: optimize their product listings for better visibility and conversion rates.
  • Inventory management: manage inventory, including automatic reordering and stock alerts.
  • Financial tracking: Helium 10 provides financial tracking tools that allow sellers to see their sales, profits, and costs in real-time.
  • Competitor analysis
  • Comprehensive suite of tools
  • User-friendly interface
  • Accurate data and insights

Viral Launch

In a nutshell, Viral Launch is a one-stop solution for Amazon retailers. Viral Launch is undoubtedly a top keyword research tool. Viral Launch’s keyword research tools give valuable data.

Viral Launch
Viral Launch

Enter a term or product ASIN to begin keyword research with Viral Launch. Entering any of these information will display related keywords. ARCS, an artificial intelligence technology, gives Viral Launch extra keyword data.

The tool has filters to easily grab keywords. Viral Launch supports the US, UK, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Spain, France, etc.

Benefits of using Viral Launch

  • Find keywords automatically
  • Tracking Keywords Hourly
  • Checking index
  • Signaling Keywords
  • Advise on a Product
  • In-Depth Product Evaluation
  • Price Per Click (PPC) Bid Suggestion
  • Find Out What’s Selling Best
  • Reviews, sales, and pricing
  • Quantity of Searches for a Specific Keyword
  • Module for Comparing Products
  • Rank Tracker


If you want to see your products at the top of Amazon’s search results, you need to use MerchantWords, a keyword research tool. You may increase your sales simply by altering your keyword approach and reaching out to the correct customers with this cutting-edge technology.

Merchant Words
Merchant Words

You need to take it a step further and find out what keywords your rivals are ranking for on the results pages. Since your potential customers use the same phrases over and over again when searching for items. As you continue to compile data on targeted search terms, you’ll become aware of shifts in consumer tastes that might be beneficial to sales and open doors to fresh markets. MerchantWords estimates the overall number of searches for a keyword, revealing popular products that might be profitable.

Benefits of using Merchant Words

  • Displays 12-month search trends
  • Provides a rolling 3-month and 12-month search volume average
  • Displays the amount of reviews on page 1 for each term
  • Sorts keywords by popularity
  • Estimates each keyword’s latest search
  • Amazon’s primary category for each term
  • Links to similar search phrases
  • Upload up to 1,000 keywords to test


Ahrefs is one of the greatest Amazon keyword scraping tools. Their database has about 7-8 billion keywords. Ahrefs lets you spy on your competition, learn their tactics, and outsmart them. Their keyword database is regularly updated.


Ahrefs’ site explorer tool lets you find your competitors’ highest-ranking keywords and pages. Ahrefs is not Amazon-focused like other tools on the list. It’s not perfect, but it can accomplish what you need it to if you feed it the keywords you’re looking for. Just input your chosen keyword in the search box and pick your intended country to use Ahrefs’ keyword explorer tool.

Benefits of using Ahrefs

  • Ahrefs Keyword explorer: Analyze keywords from Amazon, YouTube, Google, Bing, Baidu, and Yandex
  • Site Audit
  • Site Explorer
  • Rank Tracker
  • Content Explorer
  • Backlinks analysis


AMZ.One helps Amazon sellers boost sales in real time. The tool’s keyword rank tracker provides daily rankings for the user’s items.

The same Amazon product finder lets sellers look for top-selling goods in each category. The sales monitoring application tracks online product sales in real time.


AMZ.One‘s on-page analyzer provides search algorithm optimization advice for Amazon listings. .Sellers may quickly resolve bad reviews by receiving rapid alerts. Its powerful super URL SEO tool lets users install a retargeting pixel and contact consumers instantly.

Benefits of using AMZ.One

  • URL SEO tool
  • Keyword research
  • Email reports, and promotional incentives boost sales
  • Competitor-specific updates
  • Hijack listing alarms
  • Bad review notifications
  • Product-wise alerts, finders
  • Competition sales monitoring system
  • Listings on-page analyzer
  • Sales data reporting and analysis
  • Shipment processing
  • Maritime and transport reporting


In conclusion, Amazon keyword research tools are an essential part of running a successful and profitable Amazon business. Not only does it help you track your keyword performance and discover new opportunities, but it also helps you maintain visibility on the platform.

With the right tool in hand, you can easily optimize your Amazon listing and boost conversions — ultimately leading to higher profits. So if you’re serious about succeeding with Amazon, start by choosing the best Amazon keyword tool that works for your business. Then sit back and watch as your profit margins soar!

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